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Victorian History
  1. KALA S.C. Terracottas In The Allahabad Museum. illus. with frontis.  &  78  full page b/w. plates  t/out.  pub.  India Abinav Pub. 1980 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.200.    Price:  $75.00
  2. KANDINSKY  WASSILY  English  text  by  Ramon  Tio  Bellido. Kandinsky.  The Masterworks. profusely illus.  with  plates t/out. 48 col. and full page pub. Lond. Bracken Books  1988 d/w. roy.4to.obl. pp.144. fine copy.      Price:  $45.00
  3. KANDINSKY WASSILY Concerning The Spiritual In Art.  illus. with  9 full page plates t/out. text dwgs. pub. N.Y.  Dover Pub. 1977 p/b. 8vo. pp.72. front free e/paper  silverfished to top edge otherwise fine.     Price:  $20.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Australia: +61 3  9568 3122  
  4. KANG KANWARJIT SINGH Wall Paintings Of Punjab And Haryana. with  illus. e/papers & 32 full page b/w. & 16  col.,  text dgms. pub. India Ram & Sons 1985 d/w. 4to. pp.242.     Price:  $85.00
  5. KAZHDAN A.P. & Ann Wharton Epstein: -  Change in Byzantine Culture in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries. illus. with 53 plates on 32 pages; pub. University of California Press, 1985 paperback, 8vo. pp.XXII.288. fine.     Price: $40.00
  6. KELLY ELLSWORTH   Sculpture profusely illus. with plates t/out. mostly full page and col. pub. N.Y. Whitney Museum Of American Art 1982 1st.ed. or. stiff card wrappers, roy.4to. pp.192. Fine copy.     Price: $45.00
  7. KENT  ROCKWELL (Ed. by Fridolf Johnson) Rockwell  Kent.  An Anthology  of  his work. profusely illus.  with  reproduced plates  of  dwgs. & wood eng. t/out. pub. N.Y.  Knopf  1982 d/w. super roy.4to. pp.358. fine copy.     Price: $125.00    Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  8. KEUTNER HERBERT Sculpture. Renaissance To Rococo illus. with 8 colour plates and 338 black and white reproductions; pub. London Michael Joseph part of the illustrated series "A History of Western Sculpture". d/w. 4to. pp.352. Covers renaissance sculpture from its, emergence and full flowering in Italy, to its later development in southern and western Europe, and final evolution in the Baroque and Rococo movements of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Near fine copy.   Price: $45.00
  9. KJARVAL JOHANNES SVEINSSON -  Halldor Kiljan Laxness, illus. with tipped-in colour plates & b/w. pub. Iceland Helgafell 1950 1st.ed. or. beige cl. roy.4to. pp.100. Text in English & Icelandic. Very good copy.     Price: $75.00
  10. KLEE  PAUL  Text by Philippe Comite,  translated  by  Carol Marshall.  profusely  illus. with plates t/out.  many  full page  &  col.  pub.  N.Y. Tabard  Press  1989  d/w. roy.4to. pp.260.      Price: $135.00
  11. KLEE  PAUL  Text by Will Grohmann. profusely  illus.  with plates t/out. (138) 48 col. tipped-in full page pub.  N.Y. Abrams The Library of Great Painters Series nd.198-? d/w. roy.4to. pp.168.     Price:  $90.00
  12. KLIMT  GUSTAV 100 Drawings. illus. with plates t/out.  pub. N.Y. Dover Books 1972 or.illus.wps. 4to. pp.XV.100.     Price:  $30.00
  13. KLIMT  GUSTAV  Life  And  Work.  Text  by  Susanna  Parsch profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. (96  col. and 35 dwgs. in b/w.) two  folding  pub.  Lond. Bracken Books 1989 d/w. roy.4to.obl. pp.320.     Price:  $150.00
  14. KLIMT  GUSTAV Klimt. Text by Gerbert Frodl. Translated  by Alexandra Campbell profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. Lond. Barrie Jenkins 1992 d/w. roy.4to. pp.160.     Price: $120.00
  15. KLIMT  GUSTAV Women. With an essay by Angelica Baumer  and biography  of Gustav Klimt. Translated from the  German  by Ewald  Osers. with frontis. & profusely illus. with  plates t/out.  mostly  full page & col. pub.  Lond.  Weidenfeld  & Nicholson 1986 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to.obl. pp.144. Price:  $70.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3  9568 3122 >
  16. KIDDER  J. EDWARD Early Japanese Art. The Great Tombs  and Treasures.  illus. with 16 col. plates 76 photo plates,  37 line  dwgs., 3 maps pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1964 d/w. 4to. pp.362. fine.     Price:  $60.00
  17. KNIGHT LAURA  The Magic Of A Line. The Autobiography of Laura Knight. illus. with sixty plates and twenty two illustrations in the text. pub. London William Kimber 1965 1st. ed. d/w. roy.8vo. pp.348. Laura Johnson was born in Long Eaton in 1877. She studied art in Nottingham andwhile there married the portrait painter, Harold Knight (1874-1961). Knight produced a long series of oil paintings of the ballet, the circus and gipsy life. Knight established herself as the most important woman artist in Britain and in 1936 became the first woman to be elected to the Royal Academy since 1760. During the Second World War Knight became an official war artist and was sent to cover the Nuremberg War Crimes Trials. In later life she concentrated on watercolour landscapes. Laura Knight died in 1970. D/w. chipped top of spine else fine.   Price: $95.00
  18. KNIGHT LAURA Dame. Text by Caroline Fox. profusely illus. with  plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. U.K.  Oxford Phaidon Press 1988 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.128.    Price:  $85.00
  19. KOLLWITZ  KATHE  1867-1967. Text by Christoph  Meckel  and others.  illus. with frontis. & 32 full page plates  t/out. pub. Germany and translated into English, to coincide  with the exhibition of her works with the Arts Council of  Great Britain 1967 or.blk.wps.  8co.  pp.50.  tear  to  f/free e/paper otherwise fine.    Price:  $25.00
  20. KOKOSCHKA  OSKAR   London Views. British Landscapes.  illus. with  16  full page plates t/out. text  illus.  pub.  Lond. Thames  & Hudson 1972 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.88.  fine  in the sl. chipped d/w.    Price: $75.00
  21. KOKOSCHKA  OSKAR Saul And David. With 41  lithographs by Oskar  Kokoschka.  pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson  1973 d/w.  roy.4to. pp.216. Limited to 1000 numbered  copies  of which this is no.0224. fine copy.     Price: $200.00
  22. KOKOSCHKA OSKAR -  Translated from the German by David Britt Oskar Kokoschka My Life illus. with 20 full page plates t/out. Index. pub. London Tames and Hudson Ltd, 1974 1st. ed. d/w. roy.8vo. pp.240 Oskar Kokoschka stands alone in twentieth-century art. Scorning not only abstraction but the idea of beauty itself, he has always pursued the inner truth of emotion, the psychic shock of Erlebnis, the moment of intense awareness. It is in this sense that he has remained throughout his long creative life the truest representative of Expressionism in modern Europe art. Fine copy.      Price: $65.00
  23. KOREA-The  Arts Of. Ceramics - Sculpture - Gold  -  Bronze and  Lacquer.  Compiled  by Chewon Kim  and  Won-Yong  Kim. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. inc. catalogue  of 32 pages & 2 maps pub. Lond.  Thames  & Hudson 1966 d/w. roy.4to. pp.284. fine in  the  sl. torn d/w.      Price:  $100.00
    Order this book  
  24. KOSCHATZKY WALTER  &  HORST-HERBERT  KOSSATZ  Ornamental Posters  Of  The Vienna Secession. profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.  many full page & col.  pub.  Lond.  Academy Editions 1974  1st.ed. d/w.  roy.4to.  pp.120.  sl. chipped d/w.      Price:  $50.00
  25. KOWAL  DENNIS and DONA Z. MEILACH Sculpture Casting.  Mold Methods  and Materials: Metals, Plastics, Concrete.  illus. with 450 photo plates of which 25 are col. pub. Lond. Allen & Unwin 1972 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.VIII.264.     Price: $65.00
  26. KRONHAUSEN  DRS.  PHYLLIS and EBERHARD  (compilers) The Complete Book Of Erotic Art. Erotic Art, Volumes 1 and 2. A survey  of  erotic fact and fancy in the  fine  arts,  with introductory  essays  and  a special report  on  the  first International  Exhibition of Erotic Art.  profusely  illus. with  plates  t/out. many full page & col. pub.  N.Y.  Bell Pub. Co. nd.197-? d/w. 4to. pp.312,XIV.270.     Price: $85.00
  27. KUNG  DAVID The Contemporary Artist In Japan. Examples  of several Japanese artist's work in painting, calligraphy and prints, sculpture. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full  page & col. published Syd. Angus & Robertson 1966  1st.ed. d/w. 4to.obl. pp.188. a fine copy.      Price: $100.00
  28. LAM WIFREDO  Text by Max-Pol Fouchet. illus. with  frontis. &  86 full page col. plates t/out. b/w. text  plates.  pub. Spain  and  translated into English by Kenneth  Lyons  1986  d/w. 4to. pp.128. Portrait and works of  the  Cuban artist Wilfredo Lam.      Price: $60.00
  29.  LAM WIFREDO   Text by Max-Pol Fouchet. illus. with  frontis. & 865 illus. (238 colour) plates t/out. pub. Spain  and  translated into English by Kenneth  Lyons  1989  d/w. 4to. pp.268. This present study has been brought up to date with a set of additional illustrations, while the bibliography has been completed with a list the most recent writings on the artist's work. Fine.   Price: $150.00
  30. LAMB  LYNTON Drawing For Illustration.  profusely  illus. with  plates,  dgms, dwgs., t/out. pub. Lond.  Oxford  Uni. Press  1962 d/w. roy.8vo. pp.XVIII.212. fine in  the sl. worn d/w.       Price: $50.00
  31. LAMBOTTE Sir PAUL  Flemish Painting Before The Eighteenth Century Edited by Geoffrey Holme. Translated by Herbert B. Grimsditch. illus. with 90 pages of full page plates, 82 in black & white, 8 in colour. The plates are on coated, high-grade, glossy paper. pub. London The Studio Ltd. 1927; or. cl. 4to. pp.48 pages of historical, critical and biographical text 90 pages of full page plates. Among the artists: J. Mabuse, R. Van der Weyden, D. Bouts, the Brueghels and many others. Fine.    Price: $60.00
  32. LANDSEER SIR EDWIN illus. with 7 chromo-lithographs, pub. London No. publisher or date (c.1886). or. black fine diagonal ribbed cloth, gilt and blind decor. front cover, blind decor. rear cover, gilt titling front cover  a.e.g., white moire e/papers. Very good copy.     Price: $235.00
  33. LANCMAN ELI  Chinese Portraiture illus. with colour & b/w plates. Patterned e/ps. biblio & index. pub. Vermont / Tokyo, Charles E. Tuttle 1966 d/w. cr.4to. pp. 188. Comprehensive survey of the history and styles of Chinese portraiture.. very sl. chipped d/w. else fine.     Price: $45.00
  34. LANGE  KURT and MAX HIRMER Egypt.  Architecture-Sculpture- Painting.  In Three Thousand Years. profusely  illus.  with plates t/out. some full page & col. pub. Lond. Phaidon 1968 or. beige roy.4to. pp.VIII.560.     Price:  $150.00
  35. LARMOUR W.T.   Inunnit: The Art Of The Canadian Eskimo Text is in English and French. illus. with numerous  b/w. plates  t/out.  some full page and col., pub. Canada: Minister of Northern Affairs, 1972 ed. or. stiff wrappers, 4to. pp.104 "This book brings together examples of contemporary Eskimo carvings created since 1960 and of prints since their first formal appearance in 1959." Fine.    Price: $35.00
  36. LAUTREC BY LAUTREC - Text by Huisman & Dortu: with 128 illus. in colour some full-page, tipped-in plates; bibliography, map, chronology of Lautrec's life and work; pub. N.Y. Viking Press 1964 d/w. 4to. pp.254     Price: $90.00
  37. LAVIN IRVINE and JOHN PLUMMER Studies In Late Medieval And Renaissance  Painting In Honour Of Millard Meiss.  2  vols. pub.  N.Y. University Press 1977 card  slip-case  roy.4to. pp.Vol.I.XX.464. Vol.II.164 b/w. full page plates. fine  in the slightly torn slip-case    Price: $135.00
  38. LAWRENCE  Sir THOMAS text by Kenneth Garlick.   Sir Thomas Lawrence. illus. with 850 plates inc. 32 col. bibliography, indexes of sitters, locations and persons and places; pub. London Oxford Phiadon Press 1989 1st. ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.320. Fully illustrated catalogue of Lawrence’s paintings. Over a thousand paintings are dealt with in detail in the 893 catalogue entries. First comprehensive catalogue of Lawrence’s work.  Fine copy.    Price: $500.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Australia: +61 3  9568 3122  
  39. LAZAREV VIKTOR Old Russian Murals & Mosaics, From the  XI. to  the XVI. Century. profusely illus. with  plates  t/out. some  full page & col. pub. Lond. Phaidon 1967  d/w. roy.4to. pp.292.     Price: $100.00
  40. LEE  SHERMAN  E. A History Of Far Eastern  Art.  profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. pub.  Lond. Thames & Hudson 1988 d/w. roy.4to. pp.548. fine.     Price: $100.00
  41. LEGER FERNAND   Functions of Painting :Leger illus. with 16 full page plates t/out. pub. London: Thames & Hudson: The Documents of 20th Century Art: 1973 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.222. almost fine copy.    Price: $40.00
  42. LEGER   FERNAND   catalogue Fernand Leger illus. with coloured and b/w. plates pub./Itineraries Adelaide, Art Gallery of South Australia, NSW Gallery, Nat. Gallery of Vic. 1976. or. card wrappers, (paperback), cr.4to. oblong pp.94. Fine.   Price: $20.00
  43. LEGER   FERNAND   (1881-1953)   Leger.  Text   by   Werner Schamalenbach.  Translated  by  Robert  Allen  with   James Emmons.  illus. with 90 plates, 40 in col. many  full  page pub.  Lond.  Thames  & Hudson  1991  d/w.  roy.4to. pp.128.    Price: $40.00
  44. LETHEVE  JACQUES   Daily  Life Of French  Artists  In  The Nineteenth  Century.  illus. with frontis. &  12  full  page plates  t/out.  pub. Lond. Allen & Unwin 1972  d/w. 8vo. pp.224. Gift inscription to f/free e/paper, else fine.   Price: $30.00
  45. LEWIS SAMELLA   African American Art And Artists profusely illus. with text plates t/out. some col. pub. Berkeley University of California Press, 1990 or. card wrappers, (paperback), 8vo. pp.XIX.302. Examines the lives and works of African American artists from the eighteenth century to the present, with biographical and critical text and illustrated examples of their work. Fine.    Price: $45.00
  46. LEWITT  SOL  The  Museum of Modern Art  New  York.  Ed.  & introduced by Alicia Legg. Exhibition catalogue.  profusely illus.  with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub.  N.Y. 1978 or. white pict. stiff card wps. cr.4to. pp.184. fine.     Price: $35.00
  47. LICHTENSTEIN  Drawings  & Prints.  profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.  many  full  page  some  col.  pub.  U.S.A. Wellfleet Books 1988 d/w. roy.4to. pp.254.    Price: $125.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  48. LINDEMANN  GOTTFRIED  History Of  German  Art.  Painting, Sculpture Architecture. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many  full  page  & col. pub. Lond. Pall  Mall  Press  1971 d/w. 4to. pp.232.     Price: $50.00
  49. LINDNER RICHARD Text by Hilton Kramer.  Richard Lindner profusely illus. with 170 illus., 56 of them mounted colour plates. pub. Paul Bianchini/New York Graphic Society 1975 or. black cloth boards stamped in gold d/w. 4to. pp.256. "Lindner's voracious females, clad in elaborate mechanistic undergarments, are among the most famous characters of contemporary art." Excellent monograph on the German born artist known for striking mechanistically styled erotica. Completely covers his work from 1967 to 1974. Very fine in card slipcase.   Price: $195.00
  50. LISSITZKY EL - Compiled By Sophie Lissitzky-Kuppers,. - El Lissitzky. Life, Letters, Texts. London, profusely illus. with plates throughout, some full page and col. (103 col.) pub. Thames & Hudson 1980 d/w. 4to. pp.410. A fully documented study of the artist, opening with a biographical section based on his letters. d/w. cellophane coating starting to lift at bottom else fine.     Price: $165.00
  51. LEONARDO  TO  EL  GRECO-From. Text  by  Lionello  Venturi. profusely  illus.  with tipped-in col. plates  t/out.  some full  page  &  fold-out, pub. Lond. Skira  1956  The  Great Centuries Of Painting series, The Sixteenth Century 4to.obl. pp.284.     Price: $75.00
  52. LOEHR  MAX The Great Painters Of China.  profusely  illus. with  plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. U.K.  Oxford Phaidon Press 1980 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.336.    Price: $50.00
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  53. LOWRY  L.S.  Text by Mervyn  Levy  -  The Drawings Of L. S. Lowry: Public And Private. illus. with Frontis, 9 colour plates & 282 b/w. pub. Lond. Jupiter 1976 1st ed. d/w. 4to. pp.32.20.284. A full and detailed study of L. S. Lowry and his background. The reproductions contained within represent a balanced cross-section of the artist's prolific output over a period of seventy years. Almost fine copy.      Price: $85.00
  54. LOWRY  L.S.  The  Paintings  Of.  Oils  and  Watercolours. profusely  illus. with 130 full page plates t/out. 30  col. pub.   Lond. Jupiter   Books  1981   d/w.  4to. pp.unnumbered (134).     Price: $60.00
  55. LUCIE-SMITH EDWARD The Waking Dream. Fantasy and the surreal in graphic art, 1450-1900. notes on the plates by Aline Jacquiot. illus. with 216 black and white plates; pub. N Y Knopf 1975 1st. ed. d/w. 4to. pp.224. Fine.    Price: $110.00
  56. LUCIE-SMITH EDWARD Art Today. From Abstract  Expressionism to  Superrealism. illus. with 377 plates in col. some  full page  pub. U.K. Phaidon 1977 1st.ed.  d/w.  roy.4to.     Price: $65.00
  57. LUDINS EUGENE  Drawings illus. with 67 pen and ink drawings; pub. New York Overlook Press 1984. Ivory cloth binding with brown endpapers and with white dustwrapper featuring drawings 4to. (pp. unpaginated approx. 100). collection of 67 pen-and-ink drawings, almost all lyrical studies of men and women in various situations. Near fine in little chipped d/w.    Price: $40.00
  58. McLEAN  BRUCE Bruce McLean Text by Mel  Gooding.  British artist who started as a sculptor, did live performance, and then painted.  profusely illus. with plates  t/out.  many full  page  & coloured, pub. London Phaidon  Press  1990  1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.176. a fine copy.    Price: $100.00
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  59. MacWHIRTER JOHN RA - Sketches from Nature. illus. with a col. portrait by Sir Hubert Von Herkomer CVO, RA. 24 fine tipped-in colour plates, 24 mounted pencil drawings, mainly of Scotland and Switzerland. pub. London: Cassell & Co, 1913 1st ed. With an introduction by Mrs MacWhirter. Spine lightly sunned else very good copy.      Price:$100.00.     Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  60. MALE  EMILE The Gothic Image. Religious Art In  France  Of The Thirteenth Century. illus. with b/w. text plates t/out. pub.  N.Y.  Icon  Editions (Harper & Row)  1972  p/b.  8vo. pp.XXIV.416. fine.     Price: $25.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3  9568 3122 >
  61. MALEVICH KAZIMIR Artist And Theoretician. Translated  from the  Russian by Sharon McKee profusely illus.  with  plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. Moscow & Paris Flammarion Press 1990 d/w. roy.4to. pp.246.     Price: $145.00
  62. MALRAUX ANDRE   Text by Guy Suares.   Past, Present, Future. illus. with 313 b/w illustrations, pub. London Thames & Hudson 1974 First English translation; d/w. 4to. pp.196 In the passionate interviews Malraux draws on his knowledge of man, history and art, to speak out on some of the most vital questions of life and time. Slightly chipped d/w. else fine.     Price: $50.00
  63. MALRAUX ANDRE:  Museum Without Walls profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. pub. Secker & Warburg. London 1967 original pictorial cardcovers, cover features close up of the Mona Lisa, 16mo. square pp.252. Translated by Stuart Gilbert. A now classic discussion of changing perceptions of art and its relationship to the Western world. How our (society's) definition of what constitutes art has changed over time Revised portion of Malraux's Voices of Silence (1951).Very good clean copy.     Price: $25.00
  64. MANET  EDOUARD (1832-1883) Text by Kathleen Adler.   Manet. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. pub. U.K. Oxford Phaidon 1986 1st.ed. d/w.  roy.4to. pp.240.     Price: $150.00
  65. MAN RAY Perpetual Motif The Art Of Man Ray. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. N.Y National Museum of American Art. & Abbeville Press 1990 d/w. roy.4to. pp.348.     Price: $135.00
  66. MANION  MARGARET and Bernard J. Muir, editors. -  Medieval Texts and Images: Studies of Manuscripts from the Middle Ages. profusely illus. with plates throughout, some full page and col. (84 b/w. 8 col) footnotes, general index, index of manuscripts cited, index of biblical references. pub. Sydney, Craftsman House and Harwood Academic Publishers, 1991 1st ed. pict, laminated bds. d/w. 4to. pp.224 A collection of 11 essays on manuscripts and illuminated artistic images during the Middle Ages.     Price: $75.00.
  67. MARC FRANZ Life and Work. Text by Belser Verlag. profusely illus.  with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub.  U.K. Phaidon Press 1990 d/w. roy.4to. pp.224.    Price: $170.00
  68. MARSH  REGINALD Anatomy For Artists. Drawings  taken  from the  Masters. profusely illus. with reproduced  line  dwgs. t/out. mostly full page, pub. U.S.A. Dover Books 1970  p/b. 4to. pp.210. sl. sunned to spine otherwise fine.     Price:  $30.00
  69. MASSON ANDRE Andre Masson Drawings. illus. with 90 full page plates, some folding pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1972 1st.ed. d/w. folio pp.220.     Price: $150.00
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  70. MASSEY ROBERT - Formulas For Artists. pub. Lond. Batsford, 1968 1st ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.224 .}{\f0 }{\i0\f0 Over 200 formulas for making paints, glazes, mediums, varnishes, grounds, fixatives, sizes, and adhesives for tempera, oil, acrylic, gouache, pastel, encaustic, fresco, and other painting techniques.    Price: $60.00.    Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  71. MASTERPIECES Of Chinese Jade in the National Palace Museum.  profusely illus. with plates t/out. full page & col. photo descriptions and lists in English; pub. Tiwan, National Palace Museum, 1969 or. red cloth hardback with gold gilt title on front and spine 4to. pp.92. Pictorial slipcase. Slight lifting of paper on slipcase else fine.   Price: $50.00
  72. MATISSE   HENRI  The  Early  Years  In  Nice   1916-1930. Exhibition  catalogue (Nov. 1986 to March  1987)  profusely illus.  with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub.  N.Y. National  Gallery  of  Art  &  Abrams  1986   or.illus.wps. roy.4to.  pp.368.  fine  page  65 has  mark  but  does  not detract.     Price: $45.00
  73. MATISSE  HENRI Text written by John Jacobus. illus.  with b/w.  frontis. & numerous plates, 40 full page col.  plates pub.  Lond.  Thames  & Hudson  1989  d/w.  roy.4to. pp.128.     Price:$40.00
  74. MATISSE  HENRI Text by Margrit Hahnloser,  Matisse: The Graphic Work; profusely illus. with 100 colour and b/w. plates t/out. pub. U.S.A. New York, Mallard Press 1987 d/w. 4to. pp.216. Fine copy.     Price: $75.00
  75. MATISSE  HENRI  The  Cut-Outs Of.  profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.  many  full page &  col.  pub.  N.Y.  Goerge Braziller 1978 p/b. 4to. pp.128.    Price:$35.00
  76. MAYER  RALPH  The  Artists  Handbook.  Of  Materials  and Techniques.  published  Lond. Faber 1942   roy.8vo. pp.XVI.562. very good copy.      Price:$65.00
  77. MICHELANGELO The Painter. illus. with 109 plates 95 in col. one  folding  pub. N.Y. Abrams to  commemorate  the  fourth centennial  of  his death. 1964  d/w. super  roy.4to. pp.260.    Price: $125.00
  78. MICHELANGELO'S Three Pietas.  Text by Frederick Hartt. A photographic study by David Finn. illus. with 166 illustrations, including 18 hand-tipped plates in full colour. pub. London Thames and Hudson 1976 d/w. roy.4to. pp.202    Price: $125.00
  79. MICHELANGELO And His Drawings. Text by Michael Hirst illus. with profusely illus. with plates t/out. 8 full page & col. pub. U.S.A. Yale University Press 1988 d/w. roy.8vo. pp.XVI.402.     Price: $50.00
  80. MICHELANGELO The Complete Work Of. Text by various writers. 2 Vols. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full  page &  col.  pub. Lond. MacDonald & Co. 1966  d/w.  col. illus. card slip-case folio pp.600 the 2 vols.     Price: $150.00
  81. MICHELANGELO The Complete Work of. Mario Salmi (Forward)    The Complete Work Of Michelangelo essays by Charles de Tolnay and 7 others; bibliography by Peter Meller. illus. with 1040 gravure illustrations; 32 plates in full colour; checklist of sketches, paintings, and sculpture, bibliography. pub. N.Y. Reynal, nd. 1967? d/w. folio pp.598 Almost fine copy.     Price: $145.00
  82. MICHELANGELO Text by Frederick Hartt The Drawings Of Michelangelo with 553 illustrations including 16 hand-mounted colour plates; pub. London Thams & Hudson 1971 d/w. roy4to. pp.408. Fine.    Price: $250.00
    Order this book  
  83. MICHELANGELO Text by Leo Steinberg  -  Michelangelo's Last Paintings Discussion of The Conversion of St. Paul and the Crucifixion of Saint Peter. illus. with 64 (24 colour) and 99 text plates, pub. New York: Oxford University Press, 1975 1st.ed. d/w. folio pp.128. fine copy.     Price: $75.00
  84. MICHENER JAMES A. The Floating World with 65 illustrations, many in colour, some full page & index pub. London/New York Secker & Warburg 1954 2nd print d/w. 8vo. pp.XII.404. Covers the beginnings of ukiyo-e, its most prominent artists, & regulation. Michener began his study when he was a student. Invaluable reference work on Japanese colour prints from 1660 – 1866. sl. chipped d/w. else fine.   Price: $75.00
  85. MICHENER   JAMES  A.  The  Modern  Japanese   Print.   An appreciation.  illus.  with ten tipped-in  full  page  col. prints  by leading Japanese printmakers. pub. Japan  Tuttle 1970 d/w. 4to. pp.58.      Price: $40.00
  86. MILLER HENRY   The Paintings Of Henry Miller: Paint as You like and Die Happy with Collected Essays by Henry Miller on the Art of Watercolor Forward by Lawrence Durrell, edited by Noel Young. profusely illus. with Seventy-eight paintings in full colour and some black and white etchings, some full page pub. San Francisco California Chronicle Books 1982 d/w. 4to.oblong, pp.144. Retrospective of watercolors and etchings spanning nearly fifty years. Assembled from collectors around the world, portraits, seascapes, dreamscapes and escapes. Includes essay Paint as You Like and Die Happy, published here for the first time, as well as To Paint is to Love Again, The Waters Reglitterized, and The Painting Lesson. Fine copy.    Price: $125.00
  87. MIRO  JOAN Miro's Posters. profusely illus.  with  plates t/out. mostly full page & col. pub. Spain (Eng. translation) 1987 d/w. roy.4to. pp.270.      Price:  $100.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  88. MIRO JOAN Text by Walter Erben Joan Miro 1893-1983 The Man And  His Work. With a commentary on Miro's late  works  and notes  on his paintings by Hajo Duchting. profusely  illus. with  plates  t/out.  mostly  col.  some  full  page   pub. W. Germany  Benedikt  Taschen  1988  d/w.   roy.4to.    Price: $45.00
  89. MIRO JOAN Miro. profusely illus. with plates t/out. plates extend  to edge of pages, and are mostly full page  &  col. pub. Spain Ediciones Poligrafa nd.197-? (English &  Spanish text). d/w. 8vo.obl. pp.250.      Price: $40. 00
  90. MIRO  JOAN Miro. Text by Margit Rowell.  profusely  illus. with plates t/out. plates extend to edge of pages, and  are mostly  full page & col. pub. N.Y. Abrams 1970  d/w. roy.4to. pp.184.      Price: $120.00
  91. MODE HEINZ     Great Centres of Art Calcutta profusely illus. with plates t/out. many col. pub. N.Y. Barnes 1973 d/w. 4to. pp.66.168 fine.     Price: $75.00
  92. MODERSOHN-BECKER PAULA Her Life and Work. Text by  Gillian Perry  illus. with profusely illus. with plates  t/out.  24 full  page  & col. pub. Lond. The Women's Press  1979  p/b. 4to. pp.X.150.      Price: $30.00
  93. MODERSIHN-BECKER PAULA Text by Brigitte Uhde-Stahl  illus. with 32 full page col. plates t/out. b/w. text plates  pub. Zurich  Besler  Verlag  Pub.  Eng.  translation  by   Babel Translations Lond. 1990 d/w. roy.4to. pp.120.      Price: $75.00
  94. MOIRA GERALD Text By Harold Watkins  The Art Of Gerald Moira. With some notes and thoughts on decorative art by Gerald Moira. profusely illus. with plates throughout, some full page, of which 6 are coloured col. pub. London, Dickens, nd. c 1922 or. orange cl. roy.4to. pp.58+36 front free e/paper cut else very good.    Price: $75.00
  95. MONDRIAN  PIET Text by John Milner. profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.  many full page & col.  pub.  Lond.  Phaidon Press 1992 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.240.     Price:  $150.00
  96. MONET  CLAUD  River Of Light. Monet's Impressions  of  the Seine. text by Douglas Skeggs. profusely illus. with plates t/out.  many  full page & col. pub. Lond.  Victor  Gollancz 1987 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.154. a very fine copy.       Price: $50.00
  97. MONET CLAUD Text by William C. Seitz. illus. with 132 plates 48 tipped-in large col. pub. Abrams (Library of Great Painters) nd.197-? d/w. roy.4to. pp.160.     Price: $85.00
    Order this book  
  98. MONET CLAUD Stuckey Charles F. Text. - Monet Water Lillies. illus. with 99 illustrations, 65 in full color of which 36 are fold out panoramic reproductions of up to five feet in length. Also includes an 18 page introduction of biographical and critical information and a 9 page illustrated chronology. pub. New York Hugh Lauter Levin Associates, 1988.; 1st ed. d/w. large oblong folio pp.132 fine.     Price: $70.00.    Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  99. MOORE HENRY   Henry Moore At The Serpentine: catalogue of the 80th birthday exhibition of recent carvings and bronzes, Serpentine Gallery and Kensington Gardens 1 July-8 October 1978 Catalogue of 24 items; profusely illus. with plates t/out. mostly full page; pub. London Arts Council of Great Britain, 1978 or. col.pict. card wrappers. cr.4to. oblong. pp.60. Fine.    Price: $20.00
  100. MOORE HENRY and John Hedgecoe. My Ideas, Inspiration and Life as an Artist. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. pub. Lond. Ebury Press 1980 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.208.    Price:  $50.00
  101. MORRIS  WILLIAM    Biography  by  Jack  Lindsay. William Morris.  His Life and Work. with e/paper illus. &  16  full page plates t/out. pub. Lond. Constable 1975 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.X.432.    Price:  $45.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3 > 9568 3122
  102. MORRIS WILLIAM His Life, work and friends. Biography  text by Philip Henderson illus. with 40 full page plates  t/out. of which 8 are col. pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1967 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.388.    Price:  $45.00
  103. MORTON  H.V. The Waters Of Rome. with illus.  e/papers  & profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. pub. Lond Connoisseur 1966 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.302. Slight chip to front of d/w. else v/good.   Price: $40.00
  104. MOTHERWELL ROBERT Ed. by. The Dada Painters And Poets.  An anthology. illus. with plates, diagrams, dwgs. pub.  U.S.A. Harvard 1981 p/b. 4to. pp.XLVII.414.    Price:  $40.00
  105. MUCHA ALPHONSE  Ann Bridges, (Editor).   Alphonse Mucha. The Complete Graphic Works. Contributions by Marina Henderson and Anna Dvorák. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. N. Y. Harmony Books 1980 d/w. roy.4to. pp.192. Plates show the majority of his 'panneau' and posters and a representative selection of illustrations for calendars, menus, books, periodical and postcards. The complete catalogue section contains 525 detailed and illustrated items. Fine.   Price: $75.00
  106. MULLEN  CHRIS  Cigarette Pack Art.  illus.  with  plates, diagrams,  dwgs.  t/out. some col. pub. Lond.  Hamlyn  1979 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.128.  Price:  $55.00
  107. NEUER  RONI HERBERT LIBERTSON and SUSUGU YOSHIDA Ukiyo-E 250  Years  Of Japanese Art. profusely illus.  with  plates t/out.  many  full  page & col. pub.  Lond.  Windward  1978 d/w. roy.4to. pp.390. fine.    Price:  $125.00
  108. NEWLAND  AMY  and CHRIS UHLENBECK ed. by. Ukiyo-e  to  Shin Hansa.  The  Art Of Japanese  Woodblock  Prints.  profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. U.S.A. Brompton Books 1990 1st.ed. d/w. folio pp.256.     Price: $100.00
  109. O'KEEFFE  GEORGIA  Text by Charles C.  Eldredge. profusely illus.  with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub.  N.Y. Abrams 1991 d/w. 4to. pp.160. v/fine.    Price:  $75.00
  110. OLDENBURG CLAES Text by Barbara Rose. profusely illus. with plates  t/out. 30 full page & col. pub. N.Y. The Museum  of Modern Art  1970  or.grn.  blk.  &  lt.yell.  card   wps. cr.4to.obl. pp.222.     Price: $50.00
  111. OLDENBURG CLAES   Raw Notes. Documents and Scripts of the Performances: Stars. Moveyhouse. Massage. The Typewriter. With Annotations By the Author. illus. with 16 plates from photographs, drawings and documents; pub. Halifax, NS: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1973 1st.ed. tall 4to. or stiff gray and black wraps, pp.228.LXVI. very sl. rub mark to edge of spine else fine.    Price: $200.00
  112. OTTINO DELLA CHIESA ANGELA   Botticelli And His Contemporaries. illus. with 60 tipped-in full col. plates throughout; pub. London Batsford 1960 1st. ed. or. light brown cl. square roy.4to. pp.98. very good to fine copy.    Price: $55.00
  113. PACHER MICHAEL - Text by Nicolo Rasmo, profusely illus. with plates throughout, some full page and col. (20 col. tipped-in). pub. London Phaidon 1971 1st ed. d/w. 4to. pp.264 The life and work of the Tyrolean artist, with a catalogue raisonne. Appendix of documents, fine copy.    Price: $100.00
    Order this book  
  114. PALLOTTINO MASSIMO The Etruscans. illus. with 38 full page plates  t/out. published London Allen Lane 1975 d/w.  8vo. pp.316. a very good copy.     Price: $35.00
  115. PAROLA  RENE Optical Art. Theory and  Practice.  profusely illus.  with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub.  N.Y. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co. 1969 d/w. 4to. pp.144.    Price:  $45.00
  116. PASCIN  Text by Gaston Diehl. profusely illus. with  plates t/out.  many  full page & col. pub. New York  Crown  Publishing  1968 d/w. 4to. pp.96.   Price:  $40.00
  117. PENNELL  JOSEPH illus. with 12 tipped-in reproduced  plates of etchings by this American artist pub. Lond. `The Studio' 1931  Modern  Masters  of Etching  series  No.28  or.  grey blue bds. with past-down dec. title to f/bd. 4to.obl. pp.34. some spotting t/out. text, does not detract.    Price:  $75.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3   9568 3122>>
  118. PHILLIPS PETER 33 pages of text by Enrico Crispolti, English text.   Peter Phillips Works/Opere 1960-1974. 154 plates, most of which are in colour and full page, some are fold-outs. pub. idea e Italy 1972 d/w. roy.4to. oblong (pp. unpaginated approx. 110) Focuses on the life and very colorful art of the very influential English Pop artist, Peter Phillips. Fine in the chipped/worn d/w.    Price: $125.00
  119. PICASSO PABLO Text by Paul Eluard translated by Joseph  T. Shipley. profusely illus. with b/w. plates t/out. many full page,  some  dwgs.  pub. N.Y.  Philosophical  Library  1947 4to. pp.168. fine.   Price:  $60.00
  120. PICASSO by GERTRUDE STEIN Picasso illus. with ten colour (inc. frontispiece) and b/w plates throughout pub. London B. T. Batsford Ltd. 1948 or. grey/white cl. blue lettering, 8vo. pp.VIII.56. Intimate, revealing memoir of Picasso as man and artist by influential literary figure. A study of Picasso from the American writer and contemporary. The cloth is a little browned to spine else v/good.   Price: $35.00
  121. PICASSO  PABLO Picasso Drawings From 1900 to  the  Present. Introduction  by  Maurice  Jardot.  profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out. many full page 2 col. pub. New York Abrams  1959 d/w. roy.4to. pp.XIV.160. fine copy.    Price:  $165.00
  122. PICASSO PABLO Picasso. Graphic Works From 1899-1955 Vol.I. Introduction  and selection by Bernhard  Geiser.  profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson d/w. 4to. pp.XXVII.178. almost fine.     Price: $165.00
  123. PICASSO PABLO Ceramics Of Picasso. text by Georges  Ramie. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. (223)  pub.  Spain  (Eng. text)  Ediciones  Poligrafa  1985 d/w. roy.4to. pp.128.    Price:  $75.00
  124. PICASSO  PABLO Birth Of A Genius. profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.  40 full page & col. with 76 full  pages  of Catalogued paintings and drawings. pub. Lond. Paul Elk 1972 d/w. 4to. pp.286. fine in the sl. torn d/w.   Price:  $125.00
  125. PICASSO PABLO  Eight articles on Picasso by Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Theodore Reff, Robert Rosenblum, John Golding, Alan Bowness, Roland Penrose, Jean Sutherland Boggs,Michel Leiris,   Picasso In Retrospect  profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. Over 450 (30 colour) pub. New York/Washington (Praeger) 1973 d/w. roy.4to. pp.284 Almost fine copy.     Price: $95.00
  126. PICASSO  PABLO Ed. By Arnold Glimcher. And Marc Glimcher. The Sketchbooks Of Picasso. profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.   many full page & col. pub. N.Y. The Atlantic Monthly Press 1986 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp. 350.    Price: $125.00
  127. PICASSO  PABLO Birth Of A Genius.  Text  by  Juan-Eduardo Cirlot.   Early  Works  Paintings  &  Drawings   1881-1917. profusely  illus. with col. & b/w. plates t/out.  many  full page  and  inc. catalogue of paintings &  dwgs.  pub.  N.Y. Praeger Pub. 1972 d/w. 4to. pp.288. fine in the torn d/w.    Price:  $150.00
  128. PICASSO  PABLO Text by Rudolf Arnheim. The Genesis  Of  A Painting. Picasso's Guernica. profusely illus. with  plates t/out. some full page, one folding at rear pub. U.S.A. Uni. of California Press 1973 p/b. 4to. pp.146. fine.    Price:  $35.00
  129. PICASSO  PABLO  Text  by Hans L.C. Jaffe  illus.  with  133 reproductions 48 tipped-in full page col. plates pub.  N.Y. Abrams The Library of Great Painters nd.197-?  d/w. roy.4to. pp.160.    Price:  $90.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  130. PICASSO PABLO Text by David Douglas Duncan. Viva Picasso. A Centennial Celebration 1881-1981. with col. e/paper  plates & profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. N.Y. Viking Press 1980 d/w. roy.4to. pp.152.     Price: $60.00
  131. PICASSO  PABLO   Text  by  David  Douglas  Duncan.  Goodbye Picasso.  A Retrospective Portfolio. profusely illus.  with plates  t/out. many full page & col. plates of  the  works, some of Picasso at work and leisure. pub. Lond. Times Books nd. 1974 d/w. roy.4to. pp.300.     Price: $95.00
  132. PICASSO  PABLO RUIZ A Biography written by Patrick  O'Brian pub. Lond. Collins 1976 1st.ed.. d/w. 8vo. pp.512.    Price:  $35.00
    Order this book  
  133. PICASSO   PABLO  The  Musee  Picasso,  Paris II.   Drawings, Watercolours,  Gouaches,  Pastels. with 1840 illus.  41  in col.  pub.  Lond.  Thames & Hudson 1988  d/w.  4to. pp.480.     Price: $100.00.     Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  134. PICASSO PABLO Text by Maria Costantino,    Picasso Posters illus. with num examples of posters (most colour) pub. London Bison Group London 1991 1st. ed. or. cl. d/w. folio pp.112 A comprehensive panorama of Picasso's poster art.     Price: $45.00
  135. PIPER  DAVID  A-Z  Of Art  And  Artists.  An  Illustrated Biographical  Dictionary.  profusely  illus.  with   plates t/out.  many  full page & col. pub. Lond. & Syd.  RD  Press 1984 d/w. 4to. pp.448.     Price: $45.00
  136. PISANO  GIOVANNI Sculptor. With an introduction  by  Henry Moore. contains many photographic plates specially taken by Ilario  Bessi in collaboration with Henry Moore  (370  b/w. and  col. frontis.) published Lond. Thames & Hudson 1969 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.248. a very good copy.    Price:  $100.00
  137. PISSARRO CAMILLE Text by Richard H. Brettell. Pissarro  And Pontiose.  The Painter in the Landscape.  profusely  illus. with  plates  t/out. many full page & col.  e/paper  illus. pub. U.S.A. Yale University Press 1990 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.XII.228. v/fine.     Price: $85.00
  138. POLLOCK JACKSON    Biography by B.H.Friedman Jackson Pollock illus. with 32 full page plates t/out. pub. London Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1973 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.294. sl. tape marks to f/free e/paper else fine   Price: $50.00
  139. POP ART 1955-70. Text by Henry Geldzahler. Catalogue of  an exhibition  held  in Australia under the  auspices  of  the Museum  of  Modern Art. N.Y. profusely illus.  with  plates t/out.  many  full  page &  col.  pub.  Syd.  International Cultural Corp. of Aust. 1985 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.200.    Price: $25.00
    >  Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  140. RAMAGE NANCYY H. & ANDREW RAMAGE The Cambridge Illustrated History  Of Roman Art. profusely illus. with plates  t/out. many  full  page & col. pub. Melb. &  U.K.  Cambridge  Uni. Press d/w. 4to. pp.304. v/fine     Price: $50.00
  141. RANDHAWA  M.S.  and D.S. RANDHAWA  Kishangarh  Painting. illus. with title page vign. & 16 full page tipped-in  col. plates t/out. pub. India Bombay Vakils Feffer & Simons Ltd. 1980 d/w. roy.4to. pp.46. fine copy.     Price: $45.00
  142. RAPHAEL    The Complete Work Of Raphael intro. by Mario Salmi illus. with Forty-nine colour plates and 875 illustrations in black and white. pub. NY Harrison House 1969 d/w. Folio pp.650 Essays by Becherucci, Marabottini, Tempesti, Marchini, Becatti, Castagnoli, and Golzio.    Price: $140.00
  143. RAPHAEL  Text  by  Leopold  D.  and  Helen  S.  Ettlinger. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. some full page &  col. pub.  Lond.  Phaidon  1987  1st.ed.  d/w.  roy.4to. pp.240.      Price: $150.00
  144. RAPHAEL Text by Jean-Pierrre Cuzin. Raphael. His Life  And Works.  illus. with col. & b/w. plates t/out.  pub.  U.S.A. Chartwell Press 1985 d/w. 4to. pp.262.     Price:  $85.00
  145. RATTNER ABRAHAM Text by Allen Leepa    Abraham Rattner profusely illus. with 212 plates t/out. many full page & col. 50 hand- tipped colour plates; pub. New York Abrams no date, circa 1979 d/w. roy.4to. oblong pp.236. Fine.    Price: $150.00
  146. REDON ODILON Text by Michael Wilson.   Nature And Imagination. The Work of Odilon Redon. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. pub. Oxford, Phaidon Press Limited, 1978 d/w. 4to. pp.80. Fine.    Price: $35.00
  147. REMBRANDT PAINTINGS Text by Horst Gerson. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. . (140 full colour, over 500 b/w. reproductions)  pub. N.Y. Artabras Books nd.197-? folio pp.528.  Fine copy.    Price:  $125.00
  148. REMBRANDT  His Life, Work and Times. Text by Bob Haak. profusely illus.  with plates  t/out. many full page & col. (612 illus.  inc.  109 hand-mounted col. plates.) pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson  1969 d/w. roy.4to. pp.348.     Price:  $150.00
    Order this book  
  149. REMBRANDT   The  Complete  Etchings.  Text  by  K.G.   Boon profusely  illus.  with plates t/out. many full  page  pub. Lond.  Thames & Hudson 1977 d/w. roy.4to.  pp.290  & fold out chronological list of prints at rear. Fine copy.      Price: $150.00
    Order this book  
  150. RENI GUIDO (1575-1642) A Complete Catalogue of His Works. text by D. Stephen Pepper. illus. with 327 plates inc.  16 full  page col. plates pub. U.K. Phaidon Press 1984 d/w. 4to. pp.336.     Price:  $250.00
  151. RENOIR AUGUSTE Nicholas Wadley (Editor)    Renoir A Retrospective. illus. with 124 colour plates and 116 b/w illustrations pub. Sydney Bay Books 1987 d/w. roy.4to. pp.386. The story of the artist & his work through the cumulative witness of historians, critics, friends & family, as well as Renoir's own letters, writings & recorded comments. Fine copy.     Price: $75.00
  152. REYNOLDS GARRY A. and Beryl J. Wright Against The Odds: African-American Artists and the Harmon Foundation. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. published New Jersey The Newark Museum for exhibition Jan. 15th to Sept. 1990 d/w. 4to. pp.298. fine copy.     Price:  $75.00
  153. REYNOLDS  JOSHUA-(Sir) biography by Claude Phillips  illus. with  frontis.  8  full page  plates,  with  tissue-guards, t/out. pub. Lond. Seeley & Co. 1894 or.blu. cl. glt.dec.  & ltg.  to f/bd. & spine 8vo. pp. rough-trimmed to  fore-edge X.416,4 advts. spine browned otherwise v/good.     Price:  $60.00
  154. REYNOLDS Sir JOSHUA Portraits by Sir Joshua Reynolds.  Ed. by  Frederick W. Hilles with e/paper illus. frontis.  &  10 full  page plates t/out. published London Heinemann 1952  1st.ed. XVI.182. fine in the chipped d/w.     Price:  $30.00
  155. RHIE  MARYLIN M. & ROBERT A.F. THURMAN The Sacred  Art  Of Tibet. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col.  pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1991 d/w.  roy.4to. pp.406. v/fine.    Price:  $125.00
  156. RHODIUS HANS and JOHN DARLING  Walter Spies And Balinese Art profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. of the works of Walter Spies. pub. Amsterdam Tropical Museum, Terra. Zutphen 1980 d/w. 4to. pp.96. Russian-born German artist Spies lived and worked in Bali from 1927 to 1940 and made his mark on Balinese culture and our understanding of it in a multitude of different ways. Fine.   Price: $150.00
  157. RICKERT  MARGARET. Painting In Britain. The  Middle  Ages. illus. with 192 full page plates t/out. pub. Lond.  Penguin Books 1954 1st.ed. (Pelican History of Art Series). or. dk. red cl. 4to. pp. XXVI.254,192. Very good copy.   Price: $45.00
  158. RICKETTS  CHARLES The World Of. Text by  Joseph  Darracott. profusely  illus.  with plates t/out. of which 8  are  full page & col. pub. N.Y. Methuen 1980 d/w. 4to. pp.200.    Price: $40.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  159. RIVERS  LARRY Text by Helen A. Harrison.  profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. N.Y. Harper & Row 1984 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.142. fine.     Price: $100.00
  160. ROBERTSON BRUCE     Sir Charles Eastlake And The Victorian Art World. illus. with frontis. 200 plates (+2 colour), appendices, pub. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1978 1st. ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.XVII,470 Fine copy.     Price: $100.00
  161. ROBERTSON  MARTIN Greek Painting.  profusely  illus. with col.  plates  t/out. some full page  pub.  Lond.  Macmillan (Skira) 1978 d/w. 4to.obl. pp.192.     Price: $50. 00
  162. ROBBIA  LUCA DELLA Text by John Pope-Hennessy. Luca  della Robbia  (1400-82)  is  one of the  five  artists  named  by Alberti,   in  his  Della  Pittura,  as  the  creators   of Florentine Renaissance style. this being the first detailed study of Luca della Robbia's work to have been  undertaken. illus.  with  232 plates inc. 32 in col. pub.  U.K.  Oxford Phaidon Press 1980 1st.ed. d/w. card slip-case  4to. pp.288. a very fine copy.    Price:  $175.00
  163. ROBINSON DUNCON Text. William Morris Edward Burne Jones And The Kelmscott Chaucer. (One of the most magnificently printed books ever produced, the last great joint venture between Burne Jones and William Morris, finally produced in 1896) profusely illus. with plates t/out. mostly full page pub. Lond. Gordon Fraser Gallery 1982 1st ed. or. boards translucent d/w. 4to. pp.116. a very fine copy.    Price:  $135.00  Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  164. ROBINSON HEATH W. Heath Robinson At War. with e/paper  illus. & 80 full page dwgs. pub. Lond. Duckworth 1978  d/w. 4to. pp.88. inscrip. f/free e/paper.     Price: $40.00
    Order this book  
  165. ROBINSON HEATH The Gentle Art Of Advertising. with e/paper illus. & 60 full page dwgs. pub. Lond. Souvenir Press 1982  d/w. 4to. pp.80. fine copy .    Price:  $40.00
  166. ROCKWELL NORMAN Bejamin Franklin Poor Richard's Almanacks. For the years 1733-1758. Text by Richard Saunders, Philom. Wherein  are  retain'd  in  their  Entirety  the   Author's Prefaces,   Proverbs,  Verses.  &   entertaining   Remarks; Together with   those  Chronological,   Historical,   and Scientific Observations which the Author has illumin'd with his  characteristic Wit & Wisdom. illus. with 6  full  page plates  t/out.  2  double  page,  text dec.  pub.  U.S.A. Paddington Press 1976 d/w. 4to. pp.X.300.     Price: $60.00
    >  Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  167. RODIN AUGUSTE  text by Robert Descharnes and Jean-Francois Chabrun. illustrated throughout with frontispiece, colour photographs, colour illustrations, (many tipped in colour) bibliography, index. pub. London, Macmillan, 1967. 1st ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.280. fine, torn d/w.      Price: $100.00
  168. RODRIGUE GEORGE Text by Lawrence S. Freundlich Introduction by John Bradshaw.   George Rodrigue. A Cajun Artist profusely illus. with 215 plates t/out. some full page & all col. courtesy of the Rodrigue Gallery of New Orleans. pub. USA Penguin Studio 1996 d/w. 4to. oblong pp.222. George Rodrigue's paintings and prints of that intriguing canine known as Blue Dog have brought him international renown. Exhibited from Japan to Germany and across America, the golden-eyed Blue Dog is fast becoming a contemporary icon. George Rodrigue: A Cajun Artist is the first major monograph on the artist and surveys his career from student days in the early 1960s to the present. fine in an equally fine d/w.   Price: $70.00
  169. ROERICH NICHOLAS   The Life and Art of a Russian Master. Text by Jacqueline Decter with the Nicholas Roerich Museum. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. London Thames & Hudson 1989 d/w. 4to. pp.224. sl. bump to bottom of spine else fine.    Price: $85.00
  170. ROGOVIN MARK & Marie Burton, Holly Highfill,  Mural Manual. How to paint murals for the classroom, community center and street corner. Ed. by H. Highfill and Tim Drescher. Introduction by Pete Seeger. illus. with many text plates t/out. diagrams, appendix, bibliography. pub. or. card wrappers, (paperback), 8vo. pp.116. Very good copy.   Price: $40.00
  171. ROSENBLUM  ROBERT  &  H.W. JANSON Art  Of  The  Nineteenth Century. Painting and Sculpture. pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1984 1st.ed. roy.4to. pp.528.    Price:  $75.00
  172. ROTHENBERG  BENO  Timna. Valley of  the  Biblical  Copper Mines. illus. with 25 col. plates 128 monochrome plates  77 line dwgs. pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1972 d/w. 4to. pp.248.    Price: $60.00
  173. ROTHKO  MARK  Written by Lee Seldes. The  Legacy  Of  Mark Rothko.  An  Expos'e  of the Greatest Art  Scandal  of  our Century.  illus. with 16 full page plates t/out. pub.  N.Y. Holt,  Reinehart and Winston 1978 1st.ed. d/w.  8vo. pp.372.    Price: $35.00
  174. ROUAULT  GEORGES Text by Pierre Courthion illus.  with  132 plates  many  full page incl. 48 hand-mounted  col.  plates pub. Lond. Thames  &  Hudson  1978  1st.ed.  d/w. roy.4to. pp.160.    Price: $115.00
  175. ROSKILL  MARK  Van Gogh, Gauguin  And  The  Impressionist Circle. profusely illus. with plates (206) t/out. 8 in col. pub.  Lond. Thames  & Hudson  nd.1969?  d/w.  4to. pp.310.    Price: $45.00
  176. ROSSETTI  DANTE  GABRIEL Biography by  Oswald  Doughty.  A Victorian  Romantic.  illus. with frontis. & 18  full  page plates t/out. pub. Lond. Oxford Uni. Press 1968 d/w. 8vo. pp.712. $50.00
  177. ROSSETTI  DANTE GABRIEL An Alien Victorian.  Biography  by Brian & Judy Dobbs. illus. with 16 full page plates  t/out. pub.  Lond. Macdonald and Jane's 1977 1st.ed.  d/w. 8vo. pp.VIII.258.    Price: $35.00
  178. ROTHENSTEIN JOHN British Art Since 1900. profusely  illus. t/out.  with b/w. & col. plates some full page, pub.  Lond. Phaidon Press 1962 d/w. roy.4to. pp.182. fine  copy, sl. spotty to edge & e/papers.     Price: $75.00
  179. ROWLANDSON  THOMAS-The Amorous Illustrations Of.  Thomas Rowlandson  (1757-1827) was, together with  James  Gillray, the  greatest  English cartoonist during the turn  of  the century.  Collection of erotic drawings which bear  witness to his own ribald temperament and to the ribald manners  of the  period  in  which they were done.  with  col.  e/paper illus.  &  50  full page col.  plates  t/out.  pub.  U.S.A. Cythera Press 1969 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.142.     Price: $70..00
  180. ROWLANDSON  THOMAS  The Watercolor Drawings  Of.  From  the Albert H. Wiggin Collection in the Boston Library. text  by Arthur W. Heintzelman. profusely illus. with plates  t/out. mostly  full page some col. pub. N.Y. Watson  Guptill  Pub. 1971 d/w. roy.4to. pp.128.    Price: $60.00
    Order this book  
  181. RUBENS PETER PAUL Julius S. Held Text.   Selected Drawings with 255 illus., 8 in colour, biblo., index pub. Oxford: Phaidon Press, Incorporated, 1986 second edition, d/w. roy.4to. pp. 288. The expressive potential of the human figure in motion, frequently a key component of the work of Peter Paul Rubens, is central in his drawings. This study, by a major Rubens scholar, discusses issues of attribution, technique and stylistic development, and provides detailed commentary on over 200 drawings. An excellent copy.    Price: $100.00
  182. RUSKIN JOHN The Political Economy Of Art: Unto This  Last: Sesame  And  Lilies: The Crown Of Wild  Olive.  pub.  Lond. Macmillan  1912  8vo.  pp.  head  &  fore-edge rough-trimmed,  ex.lib.  copy  (church)  externally  clean, several  stamps through preface & f/free e/paper  does  not detract from being a good sound copy.     Price: $40.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3   9568 3122>
  183. RUSKIN  JOHN The Lamp Of Beauty. Writings On Art  Selected and ed. by Joan Evans. illus. with 78 full page plates some tipped-in  and  col. pub. Lond. Phiadon Press  1959 d/w. cr.4to. pp.344. f/free e/paper cut. fine.     Price: $80.00
  184. RUSKIN  JOHN The Argument Of The Eye. Biography by  Robert Hewison. illus. with 50 plates 5 in col. pub. Lond.  Thames & Hudson 1976 1st.ed. d/w. roy.8vo. pp.228.      Price: $35.00
  185. RUSZKOWSKI   Life And Work. illus. with 15  col.  tipped-in plates,  15 col. & 38 b/w. pub. Lond. Cory, Adams &  Mackay 1966 1st.ed. or. red cl. 4to. pp.112      Price: $40.00
  186. SARMA  I.L.  The  Development  Of  Early  Saiva  Art  And Architecture. With special reference to Andhradesa.  illus. with  59  full page b/w. plates & 20 diagrams &  maps  pub. India, Sundeep Prakashan 1982 d/w. 4to. pp.304.     Price: $85.00
  187. SARMA I.K. Buddhist Monuments Of China And South-East India. illus.  with  8  maps, & 32 full page  plates  t/out.  pub. India, Delhi Sundeep Prakashan India Community Centre. 1985 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.158. fine.    Price: $75.00
    Order this book  
  188. SATO SHOZO - The Art Of Sumi-e. Appreciation, techniques and application. profusely illus. with plates, drawings t/out. some full page, pub. Japan Kodansha International, 1984 1st ed. d/w. 4to. pp.332.     Price: $95.00.    Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  189. SCHIELE  EGON The Art Of. Text by Erwin  Mitsch.  profusely illus.  with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub.  U.K. Oxford Phaidon 1988 d/w. roy.4to. pp.270.    Price:  $150.00
  190.  SCHEFOLD KARL  Myth and Legend in Early Greek Art  profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & tipped in col.  pub.  London  Thames & Hudson 1966 d/w. 4to. pp.200. very good copy. Price: $80.00
  191. SCHIMMEL JULIE & ROBERT R. WHITE  Bert Geer Phillips And The Taos Art Colony. illus. with Many plates in b/w. & colour, index, notes, bibliography, pub. Albuquerque Univ. On New Mexico Press 1994 1st. ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.XXV.352. Phillips settled in Taos in 1898 & was a founder of the Taos art colony. He & Ernest Blumenschein happened on Taos when a wheel broke on their wagon.     Price: $85.00
  192. SHEPARD E.H. The Work Of. Ed. by Rawle Knox. E.H Shepard is best known for the children's illustrations he did for  the work  of A.A. Milne and for his work for Kenneth  Grahame's The  Wind  in the Willows. profusely  illus.  with  plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. Lond. Methuen 1980 d/w. 4to. pp.256.    Price:  $65.00
    Order this book  
  193. SCHOLDER FRITZ text Clinton Adams -  Fritz Scholder Lithographs. illus. with colour photo reproductions of his lithographs. (25 colour & 78 b/w.) Published Boston, New York Graphic Society 1975 1st ed. d/w. 4to. pp.160. d/w sl. chipped.      Price: $85.00
  194. SCHONBERGER  ARNO  & HALLDOR SOEHNER The  Age  Of  Rococo. illus.  with 316 plates in b/w. & 49 tipped-in col.  plates some full page pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1963  d/w. super roy.4to. pp.394. sl. chipped d/w.      Price: $100.00
  195. SCHUMANN WERNER  (text in German) Fille Sein Milljoh. Auswahl und text von Werner Schumann. profusely illus. with plates t/out.over 100 pages full page. pub. Hannover 1953 or.beige cl. brown lettering, roy.8vo square (pp. unpaginated approx.160)The life and work of the early 20th century German artist and illustrator noted for his caricatures of daily life and young children in particular. Slight foxing to edges otherwise Very good copy.    Price: $55.00
  196. SEURAT GEORGES Text by Richard Thomson.  Seurat profusely illus. with plates t/out. 225 illustrations, 60 in colour, selected bibliography, and index, pub. Oxford Phaidon 1985 d/w. roy.4to. pp.240. George Seurat (1859-1891) Fine.   Price: $95.00
  197. SHORT  SIR FRANK R.A. P.R.E. illus. with 8 tipped-in  pages with  tissue-guards of reproduced etchings by this  British Artist  pub. Lond. `The Studio' Modern Masters  of  Etching series  No.5 1925 or. grey bl.bds. past-down dec. title  to f/bd.  (sl.torn)  4to.obl. pp.34. lacks small  piece  about half inch to top of spine otherwise v/good copy.     Price: $70.00
  198. SHREWSBURY H.W. Brothers In Art. Studies in William Holman Hunt  and  John Everett Millais. illus. with 21  full  page b/w.  plates  t/out.  pub. Lond.  The  Epworth  Press  1920 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.198.      Price:  $50.00
    >  Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  199. SICKERT  WALTER  RICHARD  (1860-1942)  Text  by  Sir John Rothenstein.  profusely illus. with plates t/out.  15  full page col. tipped-in. pub. U.K. Beaverbrook Newspapers  Ltd. 1961 white & col. pict. d/w.  folio  pp.unnumbered (40) almost fine.      Price:  $50.00
  200. SICKERT WALTER  - A Biography by Denys Sutton, Illustrated with 16 full page plates throughout pub. London: Michael Joseph 1976 1st ed. d/w. 8vo. pp. 272. Sickert's paintings show an extraordinary range, and his position is increasingly realised as the major British artist of his generation. Fine copy.     Price: $55.00
  201. SIDUR  VADIM A study in modern Soviet sculpture.  text  by Sasha Grishin illus. with e/paper illus. frontis. & 41 full page  plates t/out. pub. Adel. School of  Russian  Language 1972 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.114. fine copy. Price:  $85.00
  202. SKROBUCHA  HEINZ Icons In Czechoslovakia. illus. with  60 tipped-in  col. plates pub. Lond. Hamlyn 1971  d/w. 4to. pp.XXIV.68.     Price:  $85.00
  203. SMEJKAL FRANTISEK Surrealist Drawings. The works of  Dali, Ernst,   Miro  and  other  important  Surrealist   artists. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. pub.  Lond. Cathay Books 1982 d/w. roy.4to.  pp.182. fine.      Price:  $45.00
  204. SMITH STAN  Anatomy Perspective And Composition For The Artist.  profusely illus. with colour and b/w drawings and photographs t/out. some full page. pub. London New Burlington Books 1989 d/w. 4to. pp.224 Written and illustrated by a working painter and distinguished teacher, this essential volume offers students and professionals alike the essence of a living tradition of European art stretching back to the great masters of the Italian Renaissance. Step-by-step diagrams and work projects are used. used to increase understanding and familiarity with concepts and techniques. Very fine.    Price: $40.00
  205. SMITH  BRADLEY Japan A History In Art.  profusely  illus. with col. plates t/out. many full page pub. N.Y.  Doubleday nd.1964? d/w. roy.4to. pp.296.    Price:  $50.00
  206. SOCIETY  OF SIX California Colorists. Text by Nancy  Boas. In  the 19l0s, six artists who would become the Society  of six entered an art world in Northern California. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & coloured, pub. U.S.A. Bedford Arts 1988 or.col. wps. 4to. pp.224.    Price:  $45.00
  207. SOKOL  ERICH American Natives. Drawings  by  Eric Sokol. illus. with reproductions of 60 single-sided pages of  b/w. wash  dwgs.  pub. N.Y. Harper Bros. 1960  d/w.  4to. pp.unnumbered (124). very sl. chipped d/w.    Price:  $75.00
  208. SOUTINE  CHAIM  Text  by Alfred  Werner.  illus.  with  121 reproductions  (plates)  48 full page and  col.  pub.  N.Y. Abrams (The Library of Great Painters) d/w. roy.4to. pp.168.      Price:  $100.00
  209. SPENCER  STANLEY R.A. profusely illus. with plates  t/out. some full page & col. two folding, this full catalogue pub. Lond.  Weidenfeld and Nicholson and Royal Academy  of  Arts 1980 d/w. 4to. pp.240. fine.     Price:  $50.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  210. SRIVASTAVA R.P. Punjab Painting. Study in Art and Culture. illus. with 98 full page b/w. plates & 12 col. pub.  India, Abbinav Pub. 1983 d/w. 4to. pp.216.     Price: $80.00
  211. STALEY ALLEN The Pre-Raphaelite Landscape illus. with 14 colour plates; 100 pages of monochrome plates, most with two prints per page, footnotes, index; pub. Oxford Clarendon Press 1973 1st. ed. Oxford Studies in the History of Art and Architecture. d/w. 4to. pp.272. Examines the approach of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and their associates to the natural world, tracing the history of the Pre-Raphaelite landscape in the 1850s and 1860s and its relation to earlier and later art in England and abroad. Fine copy.   Price: $150.00
  212. STANLAWS PENRHYN & Kimball, Alonzo & King, Hamilton & Frew, John A Rosary Of Girls illus. with 10 full page color portraits plus two duplicates, one on the cover and the frontispiece. each portrait accompanied by several pages of poem. pub. New York: H.K. Fly Company, 1913 1st ed. or. pictorial paper over boards roy.4to. pp.unpaginated (70 approx.) comes in with the original box. Book is almost fine, but for sl. foxing to rear board. box sl. silverfished.  Price: $550.00
  213. STATLER  OLIVER  Modern Japanese Prints. An  Art  Reborn. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. some full page &  col. pub.  Tokyo Charles E. Tuttle & Co. 1956 d/w.  4to.pp.XXII.210.     Price:  $75.00
  214. STEBICH  UTE  Haitian  Art. Examples  and  study  of  the vitality  of  these self-taught artists.  profusely  illus. with  plates  t/out.  many col. pub. N.Y.  Abrams  for  the exhibition  Haitian  Art Brooklyn Museum 1978  d/w. 4to. pp.176.      Price: $100.00
  215. STERNBERG  HARRY Silk Screen Color Printing. Presenting  a new edition to the Graphic Arts-Serigraphy. A demonstration and   explanation  of  the  process  of  making   `multiple original'  colour  prints.  profusely  illus.  with  plates t/out.  some full page one col. pub. N.Y. McGraw Hill  1942 or. maroon & silver dec. bds. cr.4to. pp.80.     Price: $30.00
  216. STEER PHILIP WILSON biography by D.S. MacColl.   Life Work And Setting Of Philip Wilson Steer. illus. with 46 b/w photo plates, appendices, catalogue, index. pub. London Faber and Faber 1945 or. brown cl. gilt titles on spine, 8vo. pp. XVI.240. With a full catalogue of paintings & list of watercolours in public collections. A very good copy.    Price: $45.00
  217. STEER WILSON Text by Robin Ironside. illus. with profusely illus.  with plates t/out. 4 full page tipped-in col.  pub. Lond.  Phaidon  Press 1943  4to.  pp.unnumbered (104) almost fine copy.     Price: $100.00
  218. STONE LAWRENCE Sculpture In Britain: The Middle Ages. illus. with 192 full page plates pub. Lond. The Pelican History of Art Series 1955 1st.ed. d/w. cr.4to. pp.XXII.496. fine in the torn d/w.     Price: $45.00
  219. STRONG ROY   The English Renaissance Miniature. The first comprehensive survey of England's unique contribution to the art of the Renaissance: the portrait miniature. Sir Roy Strong has had the unprecedented, and probably unrepeatable, opportunity of studying, under strict laboratory conditions in the Conservation Department of the Victoria and Albert Museum, the surviving English portrait miniatures painted between c. 1525 and c. 1620. Accompanying this with a rigorous study of the available documentary evidence, he has been able to re-assess the work of Nicholas Hilliard, publish for the first time that of Lucas Hornebolte, and present Isaac Oliver as a daring and original artist illus. with 255 illustrations, 8 in colour. pub. London Thames & Hudson, 1983 d/w. cr.4to. pp.208. fine copy.      Price: $75.00
  220. STUDIO-THE  Early  English Water-Colour Drawings  by  the Great  Masters. illus. with 24 full page b/w. plates  &  12 full  page  col. tipped-in plates pub. Lond.  `The  Studio' 1919 or. grey & blu. lined wps. 4to. pp.112. v/good copy.     Price: $75.00
  221. STUDLEY  VANCE  Making  Artists  Tools.  How  to  make  a lettering   quill,  grind  your  own  ink,  make   brushes, papermaking. illus. with dwgs. plates t/out. pub. N.Y.  Van Nostrand 1979 d/w. 4to. pp.144. fine copy.     Price:  $45.00
    Order this book  
  222. SUNG-CH'UAN'S - Paintings. Collection of birds, flowers, plants, in the traditional Chinese style. All described in Chinese characters as well as English. A separate section of Chinese artists seals at rear. profusely illus. with plates t/out. mostly full page & col. pub. Taiwan Art Book Company 1984 d/w. 4to. pp.176.   Price: $180.00.     Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  223. SUTHERLAND  GRAHAM  Text By John Hayes.  profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. Lond. Phaidon 1980 1st.ed. d/w. roy.4to. pp.190.     Price: $95.00
  224. TAMAYO text by Jose Corredor-Matheos,    profusely illus. with plates t/out. mostly full page and col (158) pub. Spain Rizzoli, 1987 d/w. 4to. pp.128 d/w. laminated else fine. Excellent monograph on this important Mexican artist.      Price: $65.00
  225. TANNER HENRY OSSAWA (1859-1937) Life and artistic career of Henry  Ossawa  Tanner,  renowned  African-American  artist. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  N.Y.  Rizzoli 1992 Catalogue  exhibition  entries  by Dewey F. Mosby and Darrel Sewell Biographical essay by  Rae Alexander-Minter, d/w. 4to. pp.308.     Price: $100.00
  226. TAYLOR  W.S.  Ed. Rendering With Pen  And  Ink.  profusely illus. with diagrams t/out. (166 dwgs.) pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson Manuals 1973 p/b. 8vo. pp.368. fine.     Price:  $15.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03   9568 3122>Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  227. THOMSON  ARTHUR A Handbook Of Anatomy For  Art  Students. illus.  with  60 full page plates t/out.  &  numerous  text dwgs. pub. U.K. Oxford at the Clarendon Press 1941 5th ed. 8vo. pp.XIV.460. lightly silverfished to bds.      Price: $45.00
  228. TINTORETTO  Biography and analysis by Eric Newton.  illus. with  col. frontis. & 56 full page b/w. plates  pub.  Lond. Longmans 1952 1st.ed. d/w. roy.8vco. pp.XVI.302. sl. rubbed & chipped d/w.      Price: $45.00
  229. TOPOLSKI FELIKS   Holy China By Feliks Topolski illus. with 200 of the artist's drawings on cream-colored paper, and one coloured fold-out frontispiece. Dipicts China then and later (Chiang & Mao) in sketches in pencil & ink and text. pub. London Hutchinson 1968 d/w. 4to. pp.250. Topolski documents everyday life in communist China (on the eve of the Cultural Revolution). The contrast between the ancient and the new in China has never been more precisely noted. May Day celebration, visiting a prison, a textile factory or an old people's home etc. Fine.   Price: $75.00
  230. TOPOLSKI FELIKS Paris Lost. A Sketchbook of the  Thirties. profusely illus. with 96 plates t/out. many full page sepia tinted.  pub.  Lond. Hutchinson 1973  1st.ed.  d/w. roy.4to. pp.204.     Price: $120.00
  231. TOPOLSKI FELIKS Conor Cruise O'Brien (text) .   The United Nations: Sacred Drama  profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page, b/w. pencil sketches, one pictorial fold-out, full colour. pub. London Hutchinson, 1968 1st. ed. d/w. 4to. pp.320. In words and in pictures, are two views of the United Nations. O'Brien argues the case, with his customary wit, eloquence and mastery. The UN, he says was an imaginative creation deliberately designed to appeal to the imagination. With a wealth of example he explores the ritual and symbols of the United Nations, while Topolski's drawings explicit in everything he depicts, form a happy partnership with O'Brien's text. Fine.    Price: $45.00
  232. TOBEY MARK Text by Wieland Schmied illus. with 44 full page plates  t/out.  of which 16 are col. pub. N.Y.  Abrams  1966 d/w. 8vo.obl. pp.86. Price:  $35.00
  233. TOYNBEE  ARNOLD  Ed. by. The  Crucible  Of  Christianity. Judaism,  Hellenism  and The Historical Background  to  the Christian  Faith. profusely illus. with plates t/out.  many full page & coloured text printed on buff paper with  diagrams and maps, pub. London Thames & Hudson 1969 d/w. folio pp.368. fine copy.  Price:  $100.00
  234. TRENDALL A. D.    Notes On Greek And Roman Art illus. with 2 pages of drawings; pub. Melbourne, 1972. A bibliographical guide prepared for students attending a course of lectures delivered to the departments of fine Arts and Classics at the University of Melbourne.. University of Melbourne 1972 revised. Original grey wrappers, 4to. pp.68. fine. Price: $25.00
  235. TURNER J. M. W. 1775 - 1851.  Text by Harry Townend. illus. with, colour plates, tipped-in colour plate on upper board, pub. London Cassell, Master - Painters Of The World. 1923; d/w. 4to. pp.166 fine in sl chipped d/w.     Price: $75.00
  236. TURNER  JOSEPH MALLORD WILLIAM Text by John Walker.  illus. with 130 reproductions 56 tipped-in & col. pub. N.Y. Abrams 1976  The  Library of Great Painters  d/w.  roy.4to. pp.170.     Price: $75.00
  237. TURNER  WILLIAM Watercolours From The Turner Bequest  1819-1845.  illus.  with 24 full page col.  plates  t/out.  pub. Lond. d/w. 4to.obl. pp.unnumbered (60).     Price: $35.00
  238. TURNER WILLIAM Text by John Rothenstein and Martin Butlin. illus. with 24 tipped-in col. plates, & 128 b/w. many  full page  pub. Lond. Heinemann 1965 d/w.  folio  pp.222. fine in the torn d/w.      Price: $65.00
  239. TURNER   WILLIAM   Text  by   Luke   Herrmann.   Paintings, Watercolours,  Prints  & Drawings.  profusely  illus.  with plates  t/out.  many full page & col.  pub.  Lond.  Phaidon Press 1975 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.240.      Price: $75.00
  240. TURNER  J.M.W. Turner Prints. The Engraved work  of  J.M.W. Turner. Text by Luke Herrmann profusely illus. with  plates t/out.  pub. U.K. Oxford Phaidon 1990 1st.ed.  d/w.roy.4to. pp.288.      Price: $175.00
    Order this book  
  241. TURNER J.M.W. Biography by Jack Lindsay. Turner The Man And His Art. illus. with 16 full page plates t/out. 6 col. pub. N.Y. Franklin Watts 1985 1st ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.180.     Price: $45.00.    Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  242. TWOMBLY CY A Retrospective.  Text by Kirk Varnedoe, profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. (187 illus. 94 in colour). pub. New York . The Museum of Modern Arts, Published on occasion of exhibition held at The Museum of Modern Art, New York, September 25, 1994-January 10, 1995. Revised second printing 1994 d/w. landscape 4to. pp.180 The painter Cy Twombly retains strong ties to the American South, where he grew up, and to the milieu of New York in the 1950s, where he formed his style as the contemporary, friend, and peer of Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns A rich study of this legendary American artist who has lived and worked principally in Rome since 1957 Kirk Varnedoe, chief curator of the Department of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum has drawn upon much previously unpublished work.     Price: $300.00
  243. UTAMARO  Colour Prints and Paintings. text by  J.  Hillier profusely illus. with plates t/out. 16 full page col.  pub. Phaidon 1979 d/w. 4to. pp.160. Price:  $60.00
  244. UTRILLO  MAURICE  Text by Alfred Werner. illus.  with  125 plates  &  dwgs., inc. 48 Hand-Mounted plates in  col.  pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1981 d/w. roy.4to. pp.160.     Price: $100.00
  245. VARNEDOE  KIRK Northern Light. Nordic Art At The  Turn  Of The  Century. with frontis. & profusely illus. with  plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. Lond. and New Haven  Yale Uni. Press 1988 or. red cl. 4to. obl. pp.286. fine.      Price:  $100.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  246. VARGAS  ALBERTO  Vargas. American illustration  of  women through  six decades. profusely illus. with  plates  t/out. many  full page & col. pub. N.Y. Harmony Books 1978 d/w. roy.4to. pp.128.     Price: $50.00
  247. VELASQUEZ  Text  by Troutman. illus. with  many  b/w.  text illus.  & 48 full page col. plates published London Spring  Books 1967 d/w. 4to. pp.92. a very good copy.   Price:   $15.00
  248. VERONESI GIULIA Into The Twenties. Style And Design  1909-1929. illus. with 10 full page col. plates & 246 b/w.  some full  page  pub.  Lond. Thames & Hudson  1968  d/w. roy.8vo. pp.372.    Price:  $35.00
  249. VERMEER  Text By Arthur K. Wheelock. with 129 illus.  inc. 48  Hand-Mounted  plates in full col. pub. Lond.  Thames  & Hudson 1981 1st.ed. (The Library of Great Painters series).   d/w.  folio  pp.168.  inscript.   f/free   e/paper otherwise fine.   Price:  $100.00
  250. VISUAL  Dictionary  Of  Art-A. An  International  guide  to Artists,  Painting, Sculpture, Stules, Techniques.  illus. with  250  col. plates & 2000 b/w. in the  text  pub.  N.Y. Graphic  Soc.  1974 d/w. 4to. pp.640.  lacks  f/free e/paper otherwise fine.   Price:  $65.00
  251. VUILLARD  EDOUARD Text by Stuart Preston. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. Lond.  Thames & Hudson 1985 d/w. roy.4to. pp.128.   Price:  $60.00
  252. VUILLARD  EDOUARD 1868-1940. Exhibition: Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, 1971 illus. with 18 colour, 115 monochrome illustrations and 97 figures. d/w. cr.4to. pp.238. very good copy.      Price: $40.00
  253. VUILLARD  EDOUARD  (1868-1940)  Text  by  Belinda  Thomson. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. pub. U.K. Oxford Phaidon 1988 1st.ed. d/w.  roy.4to. pp.160.      Price: $100.00
  254. WAISSENBERGER  ROBERT Vienna Secession.  profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. N.Y.  Rizzoli Int. Pub. 1977 d/w. roy.4to. pp.144.     Price: $60.00
  255. WAKERMAN  ELYCE  (Text)   Air  Powered.  The  Art  of  the Airbrush.  profusely illus. with plates t/out. mostly  full page & col. Endpapers illustrated with airbrushing accessories; pub. N.Y. Random House 1979 Richard H. Childers Prod. d/w. roy.4to. pp.224. One of the best books on airbrush with a selection of contemporary work as well as biographies and multiple works by Vargas, Zoell, Charles White III, Willardson, Lloyd, etc. Very good copy.    Price: $60.00
  256. WALLIS L.M.   The Painter’s And Decorator’s Guide. A complete guide to Painting, and Decorating, Glazing, Paperhanging. profusely illus. with advts, diagrams, diagrams, drawings, t/out. 3 full page & col. & col. chart. pub. Sydney Feature Syndicates Inc. 1947 1st. ed. or. green & black card wrappers, 4to. pp.144. Notations about technique at rear in blank pages. Author was Instructor-in-charge Painting, Decorating, and Signwriting Trades, Melbourne Technical College. Very good copy.    Price: $50.00
  257. WARHOL  ANDY The Andy Warhol Diaries. illus. with 32  full page plates pub. Lond. Simon & Schuster 1989 1st.ed. d/w. 4to.obl. pp.XX.808. v/fine. $65.00
  258. WARHOL ANDY The Philosophy Of Andy Warhol. (From A To B  & Back  Again). pub. N.Y. & Lond. Harcourt  Brace  Jovanovich 1975 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.240. Short closed tear to d/w. near spine else near fine.   Price: $75.00
  259. WARHOL ANDY The Life And Death Of. Text by Victor  Bockris illus. with 16 full page plates pub. N.Y. Bantam books 1989 d/w. 8vo. pp.392. Price:$40.00
  260. WARHOL ANDY Holy Terror. Andy Warhol Close Up. illus. with 32  full page plates t/out. pub. N.Y.  Harper/Collins  1990 1st.ed. d/w. 8vo. pp.XII.514.      Price:$35.00
  261. WARHOL ANDY   Art From Art. Ed. by Jorg Schellmann. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some full page & col. pub. Cologne/N.Y. Edition Schellmann, 1994 d/w. 4to. pp.96. Fine copy.     Price: $45.00
    Order this book  
  262. WATANABE SEIKO The Art Of "Sumie" Drawing. profusely illus. with line t/out. text in English and Japanese, pub. by Author Japan 1959 or. cream cl. dec. card slip-case c4.4to.obl. pp.64. fine.      Price: $70.00.    Convert Currency  Parcel Costs
  263. WATERHOUSE ELLIS Painting In Britain 1530 to 1790.  illus. with  192 b/w. plates mostly full page pub.  Lond.  Penguin Pooks  (Pelican  History of Art Series). or. dk.  red  cl. 4to. pp.XIV.272,192. Slightly faded to spine else very good copy.   Price: $45.00
  264. WATERS W.G.   Five Italian Shrines. An Account of the Monumental Tombs of S. Augustine at Pavia, S. Dominic at Bologna, S. Peter Martyr at Milan, S. Donato at Arezzo, and of Orcagna's Tabernacolo at Florence with a Prefatory Essay on Tuscan Sculpture. illus. with 24 monochrome plates tissue guards at all gravures, pub. London John Murray, 1906 or. blue cl. gilt dec. at spine, top edge gilt, 8vo. pp.VIII.164. A history of the shrines, their emerging importance to pilgrims, the associated art works and their developing forms. Very good copy.   Price: $40.00
  265. WATNEY SIMON English Post-Impressionism. profusely  illus. with  plates t/out. many full page some col. pub.  Lond.  & N/Y. Studio Vista/Eastview 1980 d/w. 4to. pp.132.     Price: $55.00
    >  Copy & paste to order or fax Aust. 03  9568 3122 >Overseas +61 3  9568 3122>
  266. WATTEAU To TIEPOLO The Eighteenth Century. Text by Francois Fosca  illus. with tipped-in col. plates t/out. inc.  title page. pub. N.Y. Skira 1952 The Great Centuries of  Painting d/w. roy.4to.obl. pp.148. sl. chipped d/w.     Price: $65.00
  267. WEIGALL CHARLES H.  The Art of Figure Drawing Containing Practical Instructions for a Course of Study in This Branch of Art. pub. London. Winsor & Newton; 1872; or cream dec. card covers 12mo. pp.56 followed by 68 pages of Winsor & Newton's catalogue of colours and materials for oil and water colour painting etc. illus. with seventeen illustrations drawn on wood by the author. Small ink spot on front cover, slight shelf wear else fine.     Price: $40.00
  268. WEITZENHOFFER FRANCES The Havemeyers. Impressionism  Comes to  America.  Behind-the-scenes account of  taste  in  19th Cent.  America,  of  paintings bought &  sold  and  of  the collecting activities of an extraordinary couple,  Louisine and  H.O.  Havemeyer. profusely illus. with  plates  t/out. many full page & col. pub. N.Y. Abrams 1986 1st.ed. d/w. 4to. pp.288.      Price: $65.00
  269. WEITZMANN KURT The Icon Essays by Weitzmann and six other scholars. profusely illus. with plates t/out. many full page & col. pub. London Evans Brothers Limited 1982 d/w. roy.4to. pp.420. Comprehensive view of the icon through one thousand years. In hundreds of colour plates we see the full compass of this magnificent art from-from its first flowering in tenth-century Constantinople through its various manifestations over the centuries in Greece, Russia, Crete, the Balkan peninsula and the Holy Land. Fine copy.   Price: $100.00
  270. WHISTLER J. McNEIL Text by Campbell Dodgson The Etchings Of James McNeill Whistler. illus. with 96 plates pub. London The Studio 1922 4to. or. grey boards backed in vellum gilt dec. to front board, gilt lettering to spine, pp.IX.36, 96 plates and tissue guards; very good copy.    Price: $250.00
  271. WHISTLER J  Text by Weintraub Stanley. A Biography.  illus. with 16 full page plates t/out. pub. New York 1974  d/w. roy.8vo. pp.256. a very good copy.      Price: $35.00
  272. WHISTLER J. McNEIL The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies. illus. with  text dec. or.beige bds. orng. cl. backed  pub.  Lond. Heinemann 1953 8vo.obl. pp.XII.340. fine.   Price: $100.00
  273. WILLETTS WILLIAM Foundations Of Chinese Art From Neolithic Pottery To Modern Architecture. illus. with 58 colour, 264 black & white reproductions, 87 figures in the text, 91 maps and line drawings; pub. London Thames and Hudson, 1965 d/w. 4to. pp.456. Major art history, covering in much detail geography and early-man, eighteen provinces, Peri-Gobi placenta, neolithic China: Yang-shao & Lung-shan cultures. Neolithic jade, the material, beginnings of Chinese jade-carving, tools, weapons and classes of ritual jades. Bronze: Shang & Chou periods, bronze alloys, casting techniques, purpose and use. Lacquer & silk: Han dynasty background, Western regions, expansion of the Chinese, use of lacquer, properties, painting, techniques. Significance of Shang silk weaves, sericulture, silk technology. Sculpture: Six dynasties & T'ang: beginnings of Buddhism, iconography, Chinese Buddhist sculptures. Pottery: T'ang & Five Dynasties specialty, colour glazes, form, factories, Hsing, vellum types, decoration. Painting & calligraphy: Sung & Yuan materials, methods, painting. Architecture: Han to Ming & Ch'ing: Peking, wood, hall, beam, curved roof, Pagodas, Memorial Arches, bridges and modern architecture. Fine.    Price: $100.00
  274. WINGLER HANS M. Dessau Weimar.- The Bauhaus. profusely illus. with plates throughout, some full page; pub. Lond. MIT Press, 1978; softcover 4to. pp.658. short closed tear to front wrapper, else fine.      Price: $60.00
  275. WINTER  EDWARD Enamel Painting Techniques. Glass fused  on metals.  illus.  with frontis. & 20 full page  col.  plates t/out.  & many b/w. some full page pub. N.Y.  Praeger  Pub. 1970 d/w. 4to. pp.XIV.86. fine copy.     Price: $60.00
  276. WITTKOWER RUDOLF -  Allegory And The Migration Of Symbols. profusely illus. with plates throughout, some full page pub. Lond. Thames and Hudson, 1987 or. stiff wrappers (p/b.) cr.4to. pp.224 fine.      Price: $45.00
  277. WOLCHONOK  LOUIS Design For Artists And Craftsmen.  illus. with  dwgs. designs, patterns t/out. pub. N.Y.  Dover  Pub. 1953 d/w. 4to. pp.208. fine.    Price: $50.00
  278. WOLLHEIM RICHARD  Art and Its Objects An introduction to aesthetics. pub. N.Y. Harper Torchbooks 1971 Paperback cr.8vo. pp.152. Contents; The argument, Art and its objects, Supplementary Essays 1-V1, biblio. "..Richard Wollheim's classic reflection on art and its objects, was written in the belief that the nature of art has to be understood simultaneously from the artist's and the spectator's viewpoint.." Very good copy.    Price: $20.00
  279. WRIGHT CHRISTOPHER The French Painters Of The  Seventeenth Century. profusely illus. with plates t/out. some col. pub. Lond.  Orbis  Books 1985 d/w. roy.4to.  pp.288.  one corner sl. bumped otherwise fine copy.    Price:  $75.00
  280. WITTKOWER  RUDOLF Allegory And The Migration  Of  Symbols. profusely illus. 251 b/w. plates t/out. pub. U.S.A. & Lond. Thames & Hudson 1977 d/w. 4to. pp.224.   Price:  $75.00
  281. WYNNE  DAVID  The  Sculpture Of  David  Wynne  1968-1974. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. pub. Lond. Phaidon 1974 d/w. roy.4to.  pp.unnumbered. 90.      Price: $75.00
  282. YOUNG STANLEY commentary. The Big Picture: Murals of Los Angeles. illus. with collection of Melba Levick's excellent colour photos of LA murals, many full page; pub. London Thames and Hudson Ltd. 1988 or. card wrappers, (paperback), roy.4to. pp.128. Near fine copy.   Price: $35.00
    > Copy & paste to order or fax Australia: +61 3  9568 3122  
  283. ZAIDENBERG ARTHUR  Anyone Can Paint! illus. with hundreds of halftone and line illus. 15 colour plates; pub. New York Crown publishers 1946 ninth printing d/w. 4to. pp.278. Practical instruction in the various media of art: Oils, watercolour, murals, tempure, woodcuts, etching, pen and ink, lithography, etc. Very slight shelf wear else almost fine.    Price: $30.00
  284. ZORACH WILLIAM Art Is My Life. The Unhibited Autobiography of  a  Famous Artist. One of America's  leading  sculptors. illus. with 40 full page plates t/out. pub. N.Y. World Pub. Co. 1967 1st.ed. d/w. cr.4to. pp.X.206.      Price: $75.00
  285. ZURBARAN FRANCISCO DE (1598-1664) Text by Jonathan  Brown. One of the greatest artists of the Spanish Baroque, is best known  for  his extraordinary ability  to  translate  inner mystical experience  into  powerful  artistic  expression. profusely  illus. with plates t/out. many full page &  col. pub. Lond. Thames & Hudson 1991 d/w. 4to. pp.128.   Price:  $40.00
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